kurzy "na téma"

vyberte si Vaše téma....

  • na každou lekci připravené jedno zajímavé téma
  • materiály k dispozici se slovíčky a tématem ke stažení předem 
  • délka lekce ke 45 minut
  • kurz je individuální pro 1 účastníka
  • frekvence lekcí týdně lze zvolit mezi 1 x až 3 x


Příklady kurzů na téma:

jedná se pouze o malou ukázku našich lekcí, ještě více témat Vám nabídne Váš lektor

Digital Revolution

  • Has the digital revolution been good or bad for the world?
  • How has the digital revolution changed your life? 
  • Are there any aspects of the digital revolution you don't like? 

chci objednat kurz "na téma" - viz. formulář nahoře

Mental Health

  • Are you worried about the mental health of anyone you know?
  • Is mental health more important than physical health?
  • Are there many people with mental health problems in your country? 

chci objednat kurz "na téma" - viz. formulář nahoře


  • Do you add to the environment's problems in your daily life?
  • What can you do every day to help the environment?
  • Will the problems get worse or will they slowly disappear? 

chci objednat kurz "na téma" - viz. formulář nahoře


  • Is it possible to predict future events just by someone's star sign?
  • Why is it that the things written in horoscopes are always so boring?
  • If horoscopes are true, we all follow one of twelve future paths. What do you think of this? 

chci objednat kurz "na téma" - viz. formulář nahoře


  • What do you think you'll do in your retirement?
  • Do you think people who retire miss working?
  • What's the best age for retirement? 

chci objednat kurz "na téma" - viz. formulář nahoře


  • Do you like Hollywood movies? Why or why not?
  • What kind of information about the United States have you learned by watching Hollywood movies?
  • Do you think that movies from different countries can teach us about other cultures?

chci objednat kurz "na téma" - viz. formulář nahoře

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